Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pump Pump Pump

As the end of April approaches i was reminded that summer is on the horizon and that it's time to start hitting the gym more often. I never want to be a bodybuilder but i do want to have a nice muscular build while I'm young. I always find inspiration to go to the gym from hot bodybuilder pictures. My gym is the worst and if i forget my ipod then i don't bother going,i have only seen a couple attractive people at my gym one was a collage football play type guy,the other one was a totally hot armature bodybuilder that had a head to small for the rest of his body. I actually like working out i usually do a hour of cardio a day but recently i have been doing more weightlifting.

The best part about weightlifting is the pump you feel in you arms,after a hard workout i like long hot showers where i flex my muscles,the warm water and the pump in my arms feels so good. Pumping my arms feels good to me like Arnold Schwarzenegger said in pumping iron "when I'm wight lifting it feels like sex and when i have sex it feels life weight lifting"

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