Haze Him.com makes really hot videos of young frat guys Hazing other boys to get accepted into a fraternity. All the guys basically force their dick on whoever is getting hazed but it makes for so pretty hot porn. on the website it says the all the videos are filmed by real collage guys and they send the videos in for money. in most of the videos on rocketube it looks like they are being filmed by girls trying to turn them on, other guys look like they want to get fucked by a guy and the videos that are hard to watch are when the guy is basically rapped and dunk out of his mind and looks like death,all just to be accepted by his fellow men .
the Michigan boy videos are clearly the gayest,not girls in sight and the nerdy looking boys get talked into having sex so easily. the poor Indian guy doesn't get any love thought.
The straight Texas guys that like gay sex so many good things in this video hot sex weed tattoo, the bad stupid trashy girls with no tops,the guy's do not look that interested in them
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